Steel Rhino Property Inspections
Steel Rhino Property Inspections
Steel Rhino Property Inspections
Steel Rhino Property Inspections
Steel Rhino Property Inspections
Standard Inspections
Standard Inspections

A complete inspection with a written report designed to inform and
educate a buyer about the overall condition of the home.

Move-in Certified Inspections
Move-in Certified Inspections

For Sellers who want to know what is wrong, and gives them the opportunity to repair the home before a Buyers inspector finds problems.

Builder’s Warranty Inspections
Builder’s Warranty Inspections

This is a great tool for homeowners who purchase a "New Home".
This inspection is normally conducted before the builders warranty expires.

Maintenance Inspections
Maintenance Inspections

There are more than 3,000 operating components in a home and they do wear out. This occurs quietly and slowly, simple to overlook.

Commercial Inspections
Commercial Inspections

These inspections are designed for understanding the facility as well as looking out for the safety of anyone that may be entering the premises.

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Articles tagged with: Denver Real Estate


4 Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Home Humming for Spring

During the cold Colorado winter months, most people spend the majority of their time indoors to stay out of the cold. As the weather starts to warm, it’s time to rediscover the outside world and check those areas of your home that need maintenance.

Maintaining a happy and healthy home goes beyond just cleaning and vacuuming. Here are 4 maintenance tips to keep your Denver Colorado home humming for spring.

Check outside faucets

Subzero temperatures can cause water inside the pipes to expand, which results in a massive pipe burst. Once the weather starts warming up, the water thaws and begins to move again. The longer water is allowed to flow, the more you can expect to pay for repairs. As such, it is important to check your outdoor faucets and deal with the problem immediately.

Check the gutters

A debris-clogged gutter can lead to water damage, foundation issues, and extensive roofing damage. The problem is that most homeowners do not give their gutters much thought, unless there’s a problem with them. That’s why it’s important to keep your gutters clean.

Clean your gutters to keep them working like they should. Also, make sure that the downspouts are clear and free from debris and draining away from the foundation. Don’t forget to check for loose or leaky gutters.

Inspect your roof

Winter can take a toll on your Denver home’s roof. Spring is an excellent time to inspect your roof to ensure that it is in top condition.

Get up close and personal with your roof using a ladder. Do you notice gaps in the shingles, loose shingles, wear and tear around the pipes or loose materials? If so, then you should address the problem in the soonest possible time. If left unaddressed, you may find yourself facing water damage. Your roof is your first line of defense against water damage. You want to make sure your it is equipped to handle the elements.

Keep allergens away

According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control, 8% of Americans experience seasonal allergies. With the changing of seasons comes an increased output of pollen from weeds, grass, trees, and the specter of allergic rhinitis.

Don’t wait for spring allergies to happen. Keep allergens at bay by starting your spring cleaning early. Clean and dust every surface of the house. Wash the curtains. Vacuum the floors. Don’t forget to change your air filters.

As tempting as it may be the let the spring breeze in, keep the windows closed to keep pollen out. This will create a safe retreat during the peak pollen season. Change your clothes once you get home. Pollen sticks to fabric, so you may end up spreading them throughout the house.


3 Reasons to Act Fast When Facing Water Damage

Water damage is a serious issue that will worsen with time. The longer you wait, the more damage the property will endure. It can also lead to more serious consequences. A short response time is critical when water damage occurs.

Here are a few important reasons why you should take fast action when facing water damage.

Prevent further damage

When your home is suffering from water damage, the structural integrity of your home is in danger. Time is of the essence. You need to act fast. Not only will the water weaken the structural integrity of your home, it can also make your home unlivable. A timely response will limit the damage done to your home; thus, preventing you from spending a huge sum of money on repairs.

Prevent mold growth

It only takes 24 to 48 hours for your situation to go from bad to worse. Water damage creates wet, moist environments, which provides an ideal environment for mold to grow. If not dealt with immediately, mold may start growing in your home. As you probably know, exposure to mold can cause health hazards.

The last thing you want is to have a mold problem. It is important to remove standing water as quickly as possible, clean the affected areas and dry it out completely to eliminate the potential for mold growth.

Safety issues

Within 24 to 48 hours after discovering a water issue in your home, Category 1 (clean water) will turn to Category 2 (Grey water). Since bacteria are often present in category 2 water, this may cause discomfort or sickness to your family.

In addition, you are at great risk of electrocution when there is standing water in your home. This is especially true when the water has reached any electrical outlets or appliances. For your own safety, please turn off the power source to your home.

When you find yourself in a flood situation, there are a lot of things you can do to bring back order into your home. Contacting a reliable water damage restoration company like AdvantaClean is a good first step.


3 Reasons to Get a Pre-Listing Inspection

A pre-listing inspection is done before the house is listed on the market. Some sellers think it’s an unnecessary expense. After all, the buyer will have to get an inspection later on. So, why bother?

There are a few ways that a pre-listing inspection can benefit home sellers. Here are some of them.

Ensures a smoother, more efficient transaction

Selling a house can be stressful. Not knowing if there is something wrong with the house can add to your stress. If you’re the type of person who doesn’t like surprises, then we highly recommend that you have the house inspected before selling.

Getting ahead of the game and understanding your home’s condition is a big boon to your peace of mind. Your inspector will provide you with a thorough report that may help avoid the unpleasant surprises a home inspection may bring to light later on.

There will be less issues for your agent and the buyer’s agent to hash through, and prevent you from becoming entangled in long negotiations. 

Allows seller to make repairs before listing the house

Majority of home buyers are looking for a house that is in pristine, move-in ready condition. They aren’t keen on tackling repairs or renovations after moving in on their new house. By getting a pre-listing inspection, you’ll have a good idea about the overall condition on the house.

You have the option to make repairs before listing the house. Not only will it improve your chances of selling, it can also help you sell for top dollar. Since you have enough time to make repairs, you can still shop around and get the best deals from contractors; thus, helping you save a lot of money in the process.

Helps the seller and agent to price the house more accurately

If you want to sell your house fast, it is important to price it appropriately. The problem is that, most sellers have an inflated view of what their home is worth.

In order to price your home right, you need to look at the selling price of similar houses in the area. Also, you should consider the condition of your home. A pre-listing inspection will help you get a clear picture about the state of your house. This will make pricing the home accurately much easier.


4 Tips to Avoid a Costly Winter Plumbing Leak

Once the air temperature drops below freezing, pipes in unheated spaces may freeze. Standing water left in the pipes will freeze and expand, causing the pipes to burst and flood your home. Damage from frozen or burst pipes can cost thousands of dollars in water damage to your home.

Prepare your plumbing in advance to avoid a costly disaster this winter season.

Insulate pipes

Pipes in unheated spaces such as the garage, attic, and basement are more prone to freezing and bursting. Luckily, preventing freezing pipes can be as easy as installing fiberglass or foam insulation.

Pipe insulation will not prevent your pipes from freezing, it can also improve the life and performance of your plumbing.  

If your home’s plumbing system is not properly insulated, have it wrapped with insulation to keep the pipes warm.

Disconnect water hoses outside your home

As mentioned above, water inside the pipes may freeze and expand during a cold snap. As such, winterizing your outdoor garden hose is a wise move. 

Most exterior faucets have a separate shutoff valve. Locate the shut-off valve and turn it off. Go outside and open the faucet. Drain any water out of the pipe. Let the water run until it is fully drained. Drain the hose entirely of water and store it inside the house.

Keep the heat on

Energy bills rise during the winter. Some people turn the thermostat down in the hopes of saving energy. Saving energy is good. But before you go crazy with turning the thermostat really low, you also have to think about your pipes.

Turning the heat too low increases the risk of frozen and ruptured pipes. Be sure to keep the heat on and set the thermostat to no lower than 55 degrees. This should provide enough heat to keep the pipes warm and prevent water inside from freezing. 

It is also a good idea to leave the cabinet doors under the kitchen sink open, so the air can warm the pipes.

Know where your home’s main water valve is

In case of a major incident such a frozen pipe that has burst, you need to shut off water supply to your entire home. Everyone in your home should know where the main shutoff valve is located, and how to turn it off in case of emergency. This is the best protection against a catastrophic water damage.


Tips to Prevent Water Damage in Your Home This Winter

Water damage is a Colorado homeowner’s worse nightmare.  Whether it comes from a leaky pipe, malfunctioning appliance, burst pipe or a devastating storm, just the thought of water flooding your home is enough to make a homeowner shudder. Luckily, it can be prevented.

Use these tips to minimize the risk of flooding or water damage to your Denver Colorado home this winter.

Prevent frozen pipes

Frozen pipes are no fun. They can cost thousands of dollars in damage, not to mention the risk of mold and microbial growth

Pipes in crawl spaces, attics and outside walls are vulnerable to freezing and bursting during the winter months. Water freezes and expands when the temperatures dip below freezing. Since the pipes are rigid, they are likely to burst when there’s too much expansion.

Insulate the pipes that are exposed to cold air. Make sure all the pipes, including the corners and elbows are protected. Also, keep the faucet open during extreme cold weather to release pressure moving down the pipe. This can help reduce the risk of bursting due to frozen pipes. If you are going on vacation, and the weather is very cold outside, we recommend that you leave the heat on in your home.

Check your water heater

Water heaters have an average lifespan of about 8 to 12 years. But if not properly cared for, sediments can build up inside the tank and corrode. Eventually, this may cause your water heater to leak or overflow.

A leaking water heater can cause massive damage. To prevent this from happening, check your water heater periodically for pooling water on the stand it rests on or on the top of the tank. Also, check for moisture surrounding the plumbing connections.

Clean gutters

Cleaning gutters is an easy job to put off. What people fail to realize is that this simple task can actually prevent future water damage.

Your gutter works by directing water away from your home’s foundation. But if there’s a build up of debris in your gutter, it might not be able to do its job properly. As a result, water may spill through the roof, into your foundation and down to your basement.


Top Tips for Selling Your Home in Winter

Selling a house is not an easy task. The freezing temps, snow, and the fact that everybody is busy preparing for the holidays make selling a house even more difficult during the Colorado winter. This is why a lot of sellers choose to wait until spring before putting their home on the market.

If you are ready to sell your house, you don’t have to wait. Here are 4 tips for selling your home in winter.

Make the most of your entrance

Winter can be dark and dreary, but that doesn’t mean that your home should look old and boring.

Spice up your home by painting your front door with a bold color. This will boost curb appeal and make your home more inviting. Evergreen plants can also liven up a drab landscape.

If you live in areas where snow falls, it is important that you clear your walkways and driveway of snow and ice. You want to make sure that potential buyers can make it to your front door without an accident.

Get the temperature right

No one likes hanging out in a chilly house. Pump up that thermostat. You want the temperature to be comfortable enough and to give potential buyers a reason to linger.

Now is not the time worry about your utility bill.

Let natural light in

Dark and cramped spaces are a big turnoff for potential homebuyers. After all, no one wants to walk into their new home and feel like they are trapped in a dungeon. Make sure your home has plenty of natural light.

Maximize natural light in your home by opening your curtains and blinds during the day. It can make your house so much brighter instantaneously. It is also a good idea to examine your windows. Any dirt or cloudiness on your panes will deflect light. If you wish to let more natural light in, get scrubbing.

Get into the festive spirit

Aim for tasteful decorations such as a nice wreath on the front door, a pinecone centerpiece, and silver glass ornaments. When adding holiday decorations, pay attention to the color scheme. Skip the red and green garland if your living rooms has a clean, all-white color scheme. Rather, opt for white candles and a white tree to complement your palette.

One last pro-tip; you want to keep neutrality throughout, so you better leave the life-sized nativity scene in storage.


4 Things to Do Around the House Before Winter Arrives

Winter is on its way. For many of us, that means heavy jackets, freezing temps, and snow. It’s time to start getting your Colorado home prepared for the winter months ahead.

Here’s a list of projects you should consider completing before Old Man Winter bears down on your area.

Seal cracks and holes around doors and windows

Any holes or cracks around the doors and windows let lots of cold air in and allow heated air to escape. If left unaddressed, this can cause your heating bill to skyrocket.

Seal the air leaks around your doors and windows to keep cold air from entering your house. Foam weather stripping can help eliminate those air leaks. Rope caulk can effectively seal larger gaps.

Inspect your roof

Your roof essentially protects your entire household. You want to make sure it is in good repair before the temperatures dip.

Visually inspect your roof. One of the easiest ways to spot roof leaks is through your attic. Go to the attic on a sunny day and turn the lights off. Look for small specs of light coming through the shutters. Also, look for streaked or water-stained areas on the beams or roof trusses. If you spot any of these, it is best to call in a professional and have it repaired.

Minor roof damage can lead to leaks and an assortment of problems eventually. Get your roof fixed before the weather turns bad.

Clean the gutter

It is not uncommon for gutters to accumulate leaves and other debris. Clogged gutters can spell trouble for your home. They can allow snow and melting ice to seep into your roof or flood your home’s foundation. This is why it is important to clean and flush out your gutters at least twice a year, preferably in the spring and fall.  

Most people dread getting on the roof to clean the gutters. Keeping your gutters clean is a must to keep them performing properly and protect your roof, walls, and foundation from damage.

Schedule heating maintenance

During the winter, the furnace becomes your most important appliance. It helps keep you and your family warm and toasty despite the frigid weather. That said, you want to make sure that your heating system is up to snuff and ready to roll before winter weather strikes.

Schedule your annual HVAC maintenance to ensure your furnace operates optimally in winter.

During the HVAC inspection, your professional technician will check all parts of the furnace, make repairs and make sure that the system is clean and in good repair. If you put it off until winter, you might have to wait for a long time because a lot of homeowners are also in need of their services.


How to Sell Your House for Top Dollar

Unless you have already bought your forever home, the time will come when you will need to sell your Denver home. When that time comes, you want to make sure that you get the most money out of your Colorado property. After all, it is your biggest asset.

Use these tips to sell your Colorado home quickly and for the highest price possible.

Improve curb appeal

Curb appeal is how your house looks from across the street. If you are looking to sell your house, then you need to make a good first impression. Improving your home’s curb appeal will not only attract potential buyers, it will also increase the value of your property.

You don’t need to spend a huge sum of money to catapault the appeal of your home. Simple, inexpensive makeovers such as washing and repainting your home’s exterior can make your house sparkle. Plus, it can add greater value to the asking price.

Price it right

Sometimes, sellers are tempted to jack up the price of their house in the hopes of getting the most money out of their property. However, this strategy may backfire.

Majority of homebuyers have been looking for the perfect house for months. Often, they are most interested in new listings. You can expect more viewings and receive more offers during the first 2 weeks of listing, provided that the property is priced competitively. If it is significantly more expensive than similar properties, prospective buyers may lose interest and your house may linger on the market longer than expected. Nobody wants a house that rots on the market.

If you want to sell your house quickly and for top dollar, you need to price your based on the estimated market value. Keep an eye on similar properties nearby to make sure your pricing is similar.

Get the house in tip-top condition

Most buyers are looking for their dream home. They are looking for a house that doesn’t just look good, but is in good, move-in condition as well.

Before putting your house on the market, it is imperative that you focus on some home improvement projects. Tackle some issues such as plumbing problems, leaky roof, chipping paint, and a dingy floor. You want to make sure that your house is in pristine condition before selling.

Preparing your home for sale is one of best things you can do to maximize its value and make it more competitive on the market.


Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Home in Top Condition

Routine maintenance is important for your Denver home’s upkeep and well-being. However, majority of the defects Denver home inspectors finds are due to lack of preventive maintenance and neglect. Since your Colorado home is your biggest asset, it needs to be carefully looked after.

Regardless of whether you’re planning to put your home for sale or not, there are a lot of things you can do to keep your home in top shape. Read on as we give you some tips to make sure your Denver CO home stays in good condition for the years to come.

Inspect exterior

Inspect your home’s exterior for water damage, leaks, loose pieces and cracks. Keep your home in top shape by properly filling leaks and cracks or replacing rotted siding or trim.

Nothing makes a house look unwelcoming and dilapidated as peeling paint. Give your exterior walls a fresh coat of paint. Your house always looks clean and tiny when it’s newly painted.

Give your house a deep clean

Keep things clean by giving the whole house a proper deep clean. Allot one day for this task and get your entire family working. Dust every nook and cranny, clean the windows, scrub the floor, de-clutter etc. Don’t let dust, dirt and grime build up over the years.

Change out air filters

For homes with smaller families and without pets, it may not be necessary to change your air filters every month. This may be done every 2 to 3 months. If you have pets at home or if you smoke, be sure to inspect it every month and change whenever necessary.

Clean the gutters

Cleaning the gutters is a small task that can prevent big problems. Clean out leaves and debris that may have collected in them. This should be done twice a year to prevent damage to your home’s roof and exterior. Flush the gutters and downspouts with a garden hose after you’ve cleared the muck.

Check the roof

Have a roofing professional inspect your roof at least once a year. This way, they can identify sections that need repair and address the issues immediately. 


What Type of Home Inspection Do I Need?

Buying a house in Colorado is a big financial obligation. If you’re not careful, it can quickly turn into a financial nightmare. As such, it is best to have the Denver Colorado property professionally inspected prior to closing.

A Denver home inspection helps potential buyers determine the overall condition of the house and identify any major issues. This is designed to help potential buyers make a more informed decision and prevent them from being scammed.

What type of home inspection do you need to have when buying a house? Here are some of them.

General home inspection

A general home inspection will give you a good idea about the overall condition of the property. The house may look nice, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s in great shape. By hiring a professional inspector, you’ll be able to determine the issues that are present in the house, as well as some potential problems that you may have to deal with in the long run.

By knowing the actual condition of the property you’re interested in, you can make a more informed decision and decide whether or not it is a worthy investment.

Radon gas

Radon gas is a colorless, odorless gas. Long-term exposure to radon gas can potentially cause health problems. In some cases, it can even be fatal. Since it is invisible odorless, most people aren’t even aware about the presence of this toxic gas in their home. The only way to find out is through testing.

Our house is our safe haven. It is where we feel safe and relaxed. When looking for your dream home, you should look beyond the physical appearance and consider the safety of your family. This is especially important if you have young kids. Don’t skip this step.

Mold testing

Mold is also a potential health threat. Young kids and older adults are more susceptible to the negative health effects of mold. It can cause allergy symptoms, trigger asthma attacks, and even aggravate existing health conditions. If left unaddressed, mold problems may also cause structural problems. It literally eats at materials like floorboards, ceiling tiles, drywall, and wall paper.

Mold can start growing and multiply very easily. This is why it’s important to address the issue as early as possible. The longer you wait, the more likely it is spread in different parts of the house.

Molds are difficult to get rid of, and remediation is costly. In fact, the average cost of mold remediation is $2,000 to $6,000. Make sure that you do this type of inspection before signing on the dotted line. The last thing you want is to find out about the mold problems after moving in to your new house.

If you are buying a home in Denver Colorado or surrounding areas and need a home inspection, call Steel- Rhino. We can give you a solid, honest inspection of the home you are considering to purchase. 

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