Steel Rhino Property Inspections
Steel Rhino Property Inspections
Steel Rhino Property Inspections
Steel Rhino Property Inspections
Steel Rhino Property Inspections
Standard Inspections
Standard Inspections

A complete inspection with a written report designed to inform and
educate a buyer about the overall condition of the home.

Move-in Certified Inspections
Move-in Certified Inspections

For Sellers who want to know what is wrong, and gives them the opportunity to repair the home before a Buyers inspector finds problems.

Builder’s Warranty Inspections
Builder’s Warranty Inspections

This is a great tool for homeowners who purchase a "New Home".
This inspection is normally conducted before the builders warranty expires.

Maintenance Inspections
Maintenance Inspections

There are more than 3,000 operating components in a home and they do wear out. This occurs quietly and slowly, simple to overlook.

Commercial Inspections
Commercial Inspections

These inspections are designed for understanding the facility as well as looking out for the safety of anyone that may be entering the premises.

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Factors That Determine How Fast Your Home Will Sell

You have decided to sell your Colorado home. Now that you’ve already packed your things and you’re ready to move to your new home, the last thing you want is for your home to sit on the market forever. 

Keeping a focus on these 4 factors will significantly increase your chances of selling your house quickly. 


You think of your Colorado home as a shining beacon of perfection and you’re thinking of selling it at a higher price. But if you really want to sell your house fast, you might want to look at similar properties in your area and determine how much they were sold for. Setting a realistic price on your home will help you attract more buyers. 

It is important to get the pricing right the first time than to lower the price eventually. Many buyers will simply move on if the house is not priced reasonably. 

Property condition 

Colorado home buyers are looking for homes that are in pristine, move-in condition. They no longer have time to make repairs and fix up the home themselves. 

Obviously, a well-maintained home will sell faster than an old and property that requires a lot of TLC. It is a good idea to hire  a professional inspector.This way, you’ll have an idea about the overall condition of the property and decide what needs fixing before the property is listed for sale. 


Good listing photos can definitely shorten the amount of time your house sits on the market. Why? It’s because most buyers would go online in an effort to save time. In addition, online listings and apps allow them to compare and contrast houses, and then narrow down their searches to a select few. 

Having good photos entice more potential buyers. Take photos that would highlight your home’s best features. Also, it is best to have too many photos than it is to have too few. 

Real estate agent

Another important factor that affects your Colorado home sale is the amount of knowledge and experiences your real estate agent posses. You will stand a better chance of a quick sale by working with an experienced agent. Choose an agent who is familiar with the area and has an experience selling the type of home you have. 


Home Inspection Red Flags You Should Watch Out For

If you have ever been involved in a real estate transaction, you probably know that one of the most important steps of buying a house is getting a home inspection. A thorough home inspection will verify the condition of the property and provide buyers the peace of mind and confidence that they are making a wise investment.

While all Colorado homes have a certain amount of flaw, it is important for buyers to become aware which of these flaws are normal and which ones may warrant potential problems.

Listed below are some red flags that may warrant concern if noted on a home inspection.

Old wiring

Defective electrical wiring is one of the most common causes of residential fire. With today’s families using more gadgets than ever, be sure that your home inspector thoroughly examines the house’s electrical system. Also, pay attention to aluminum wiring as it poses a dangerous fire hazard.


A home that is plagued by mold is not only disgusting; it can also be detrimental to your health.

If the Colorado home inspector found extensive mold growth around the house, you need to walk away for a number of reasons. Aside from being a health hazard, removing molds from ducts, walls and crawl spaces will cost thousands of dollars. Plus, molds is a clear indication of an underlying moisture problem, which can do real damage to the structure of the house.


A house’s roof will age along with its dwelling. So, pay close attention to the home inspection notes and check to see if there are any signs of rotting, cracking, splitting, blistering, curling and cupping. If so, then you should think twice about buying the house as these are warning signs of future warning intrusion. Mind you, installing a new roof comes with a hefty tag price.

Final thoughts

No matter how much you love the Denver house, you certainly need to walk away from it if it has issues with its foundation. A qualified Colorado home inspector can tell you when a seemingly minor crack actually means major trouble.

Also, keep an eye out for cracked windows, bowing or bulging foundation walls as these are obvious signs of structural weakness.


Easy Ways to Cozy Up Your Home for Fall

Fall is upon us! As the weather turns cooler and the days grow darker, now is a great time to think about how to keep the temperature and mood in your Colorado home cozy. As such, you might want to get a jump start on prepping your living space for the cold winter ahead.

If you are looking for inspiration to start decorating your home for fall, look no further. Check out these simple decorating ideas and use them to transition your home décor for fall.

Keep your home warm and fuzzy

With the chill of autumn in the air, now is the best time to switch out lighter fabrics for heavier ones. Hang heavier curtains and drapery before the cold winter creeps up on us. Add seasonal style and functionality to your living space by laying throw blankets across your furnishings and go all out on the throw pillows. Complete the look by employing cozy patterns such as tweed, herringbone and plaid.

Bring fall to the exterior of your home 

Why should your indoor space have all the fun? Take it outside as well. One of the best ways to say “Hello fall!” is to hang a beautiful autumn wreath at your front door. This is super easy to make and is sure to add glitz and glam to your front door.

Bring the aromas of fall into your home 

It’s not autumn without the apple, cinnamon and pumpkin scents. What better way to bring the aromas of fall into your Colorado home than to make some fall goodies like caramel apples, ginger cookies, and pumpkin spice lattes.

Candles are also a great way to make your home smell amazing. Spread some scented candles throughout your home and light them up in the evening. Your Colorado home will be filled with wonderful aroma in no time. Its warm glow and subtle scent can also help alleviate stress and anxiety.

Dress the floor with area rugs

Cold air creeps in through gaps in doors and windows. When it does, it settles on the floor. Fend off icy toes by placing area rugs strategically in high traffic areas. Large, thick are rugs will create a soft, warm barrier between the cold, hard floor and your feet. Plus, an area rug with vibrant colors can cheer up your living space.


4 Critical Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying a House

While the dream of owning a house has been set aside during the recession, most Americans say that buying a house is still in their life plan. But before you finally decide to make an offer, you might want to ask yourself a handful of questions. While the answers to these questions might make you rethink your bid or scare you off, you can be sure that you are making the right decision.

Why do you want to buy a house?

Determining the reason why you want to buy a Denver house is important before you go out and start looking at options. What purpose shall it serve? Are you planning to live in it or rent it out? This is important as it will help you determine the house size and the type of loan structure you’ll need based on your plans.

How confident are you about your future income?

Before you start dreaming about white picket fences and granite countertops, make sure that you have a steady source of income. If you are thinking about quitting your job or there are murmurs of layoffs in your company, where will you get your monthly mortgage payment?

How confident are you that you will want to stay?

One of the most important factors that you have to consider when deciding between buying versus renting is how long you are planning to stay in that Colorado house. Mind you, it takes about 5 to 7 years just to break even the cost of buying, owning and selling a Colorado house. So, if you’re not confident that you can stay put for that long, you might want to re-consider your plans.

How is your credit score?

Your credit score is one of the most important things you should consider if you are planning to buy a Denver house. If you have a low credit score, you might have a tough time getting a loan. And if you do, there’s a great chance that you’ll be required to pay a higher interest rate and a higher down payment.

So, if you are planning to buy a Colorado house in the near future, now is the right time to pay off some of your debt and raise your credit score.


4 Reasons a Pre-Listing Inspection is Good for You

In nearly all cases, it is the buyer who orders and pays for a home inspection. As a seller, you may be thinking, what’s the point of having a pre-listing inspection if the buyer will want their own inspection anyway? 

Here are 4 benefits of doing a pre-listing inspection. 

Prepare your home for sale

With a pre-listing inspection completed, you’ll know ahead of time what exactly is wrong and what needs to be fixed prior to putting your Colorado home on the market. You’ll have enough time to decide what to fix, who to hire to make repairs, and when it should be completed. 

Pre-listing inspections will not only help you cut cost and save time. It can also help you update your home and market it for the best return on investment. 

Get your ideal asking price 

Typically, a Denver home inspection is done shortly after the seller accepts the buyer’s offer. But if you wait for the buyer to discover some issues in your home, then they will likely negotiate for a lower price or ask you to have it repaired before closing. 

By completing an inspection prior to listing your Colorado property, you can deal with problems ahead of time and use the clean bill of health to justify a slightly higher asking price. 

Faster, smoother selling process

If you are the type of person who hates surprises, then we urge you get a pre-listing inspection. Not only will it eliminate surprises, it will also reduce the negotiation process. 

Since you already took the time to address the issues, there won’t be much left for buyers to negotiate on. Both parties will benefit from a smoother, faster selling process. 

Increase prospective buyers’ confidence 

No one wants to buy a house with a lot of hidden issues. Having a pre-listing inspection is a great way to show potential buyers that your Colorado home is in good condition and that you have nothing to hide. 

Home buyers are naturally skeptic about the condition of the house. Handing them an inspection report that details the condition of your home can help overcome skepticism and eliminate much of the doubt about your home. Buyers will be more comfortable making an offer, knowing that the house is in good condition. 


Tips for Working Out Your Home Renovation Budget

Home renovations provide several advantages. Whether you’re looking to enhance your home’s aesthetics and living environment or transforming it before putting it on the market, updating your dwelling is one of the most profitable decisions you can make.

Here are 4 tips for working out your home renovation budget.

What is your purpose for renovating? 

Before renovating, you first need to identify your reason. Renovating for lifestyle reasons requires a different approach for selling purposes. If you are renovating to enhance your Colorado home’s comfort or livability, you need to consider your family’s needs. An outdoor kitchen would be beneficial for entertaining guests. An additional bathroom may also be in order for your growing family.

If renovating for sale, you need to properly asses your house and focus on changes that will make it more attractive to prospective buyers. The backyard may need revamping. A lick of paint throughout the house will help freshen up your Colorado home.

Set your renovation budget 

Home renovation projects can be quite expensive. Before you start choosing paint colors or floor tiles, you first need to determine how much you can afford.

Renovation costs can quickly get out of control. Sometimes, people decide that they want this and that, and then realize later on that it’s out of their budget. To prevent this from happening, it is best to set a budget early on. This is important so as to prevent disappointment and financial distress later on.

Get quotes from contractors 

Now that you have an idea about what you want to achieve and how much you are willing to spend, it’s time to look for contractors.

If you don’t know any contractor, you can ask referral from your family and friends. Or better yet, go online and search for contractors in your area. Narrow down your list to 3 – 5 contractors, and ask for a quote from each of them. This way, you can compare the prices and find the one that offers the best deal.

Account for hidden costs

Just because the contractor gave you a quote for $30,000, it doesn’t necessarily mean that will be the final cost. During the renovation process, some contractors find some issues that need to be dealt with. This is one of the major reasons why renovation projects end up costing more than anticipated.

Make sure that you prepare at least 10% to 20% for unforeseen experiences, so you won’t be scrambling to come up with extra money.


4 Crucial Things to Do When Buying a Fixer Upper

For people who love old houses and love working on them, a fixer upper can be a great way to get into a larger house. Since not everyone is in the market for a fixer upper, the odds of scoring a sweet deal are in your favor. 

But fair warning. You have to really know what you’re getting into. Otherwise, that Denver house could become your worst nightmare. 

If you are set on buying a property that is in need of a lot of TLC, then this blog post is for you. Here are 4 things you should do when buying a fixer upper. 

Consider the location 

Not all fixer uppers have the potential. Just because you spent thousands of dollars on repairs and home improvement projects, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll get a good resale profit. 

Location is one of the most important things to consider when buying a Colorado property. After all, you can change everything about the home, but you can’t change it’s location. Seek out homes in desirable neighborhoods. Avoid those that are situated next to a school or on a busy intersection. 

Hire a qualified home inspector 

It is a given that a fixer upper will come with a long list of issues. But that doesn’t mean that you should skip the home inspection. 

A Colorado home inspection is an absolute must when investing on a fixer upper. This will not only help you determine the actual condition of the property; it will also help you plan a budget for all the necessary repairs found during the inspection. 

Determine the cost of renovations before you make an offer 

Repairs will cost you thousands and thousands of dollars. Now that you have an idea about the extent of work and repair that needs to be done, it’s time to talk with a contractor. 

Do a walk-through with a contractor and ask for a cost estimate. This way, you’ll have a good idea about how much you need to spend on repair. Make sure that you add an extra 10 to 20% to your estimate for unforeseen repair works. 

Be prepared to roll up your sleeves 

Doing repairs yourself will keep your cost down. The more you can do on your own, the more money you can save. 

We know you want to save money, but you should be more realistic about your abilities. If you have experience, then you’ll be able to tackle more tasks. If you’re an amateur, then stick to simple tasks such as painting, removing wallpaper, re-grouting tile, repairing leaky taps, patching a drywall etc. Some jobs are best left to the pros. 


5 Signs It’s Time to Remodel Your Bathroom

The bathroom is one of the most important parts of the house. It is where you start and finish your day. Unfortunately, it doesn’t get much attention as much as the bedrooms, kitchen, and living room.

Has your bathroom worn out its welcome? Maybe it’s time to update it and bring it back to life.  There are telltale signs that it’s time for a bathroom makeover.

Here are 5 signs it’s time to remodel your bathroom.

Planning to sell your home 

If you’re considering selling your Colorado home, a bathroom renovation can benefit you in a number of ways. Not only will it increase the value of your home, it also makes your home more attractive to potential buyers.

Bathroom renovations can be expensive, but studies suggest that you can recoup about 58% of the cost in resale value. If you are on a tight budget, don’t worry. Simple updates like getting new fixtures, repainting the walls, cleaning the grout, and adding clean lines of caulk around the sink and tub can help transform your bathroom.

Outdated design 

Is your bathroom old and outdated? If so, a bathroom remodel is in order. Today, people are coming back to that white, timeless look. White, gray, and black palettes will lend an element of ageless beauty to your space. Installing new lighting fixtures, cabinets, mirrors, and towel holders are also a great way to improve the look and feel of your bathroom.

Poor lighting 

Of all the rooms in the house, bathrooms are given the least considerations when it comes to interior lighting. If you can barely see yourself in the mirror, this requires action.

Use lighting fixtures that provide 75-100 watts worth of illumination for the master and guest bathroom. Installing proper task lighting is also important as this is the light by which you can best see yourself.

Bathroom smells bad 

You walk into the bathroom and crinkle your nose as you smell a noxious sewer-like odor in your bathroom. This could be an indication that sewer gas is escaping from the drainage system. This is a prime indicator that you need to update your bathroom.

Adding better ventilation to a windowless bathroom, fixing that persistent leak that is building up mold, and replacing a toilet’s wax seal are all smart fixes to get rid of bathroom smells.

Lack of storage

Don’t have enough space to store everything you want? Your bathroom may be due for an update. Make use of the vertical space and under the sink for storage. Come up with creative ways fit everything in the cabinets and closets.


Curb Appeal: Why Is It So Important?

Just like a book, your home is judged based on how it looks on the outside. If you are putting your home up for sale, it is important to improve your home’s curb appeal. You want to make sure that the house is attractive and appealing enough that the buyers will want to see the inside of your home.

What is curb appeal? 

Curb appeal refers to the attractiveness of your Denver home from the street. This applies to the exterior of the house, as well as the driveway, outdoor fixtures, landscaping, and walkway. Oftentimes, it is seen as a reflection of how the owner takes care of the house.

Makes your online listing standout

A huge percentage of Colorado buyers begin their search online. Instead of driving to your home, they would scroll through photos in your online listing. Many of them may never visit your home if they do not like what they see online.

A clean exterior, well-maintained shrubbery and a manicured lawn are all important if you want your home to standout in a crowded market.

Make a great first impression

First impressions are incredibly important, especially if you’re selling. Most sellers would spend a lot of time cleaning, staging and improving the inside of the house. Unfortunately, some of them tend to ignore the exterior. No matter how beautiful your Colorado house looks on the inside, buyers might not be interested to walk through your front door if the exterior is unkempt.

If the house looks messy on the outside, a buyer’s opinion may already be made before they enter the house. Remember, you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

Faster sale 

Potential buyers will decide whether or not to buy the Denver house based on first impressions. You’ll be able to attract more buyers and sell your house faster if you take time on making sure that your house’s exterior is as meticulous as the interior.

Perceived value 

Every seller wants to sell their home for top dollar. In order to do that, you want to spend ample time preparing and improving the outside of your home. Believe it or not, curb appeal can increase your home’s value by up 5 to 11%. 


4 Ways to Prepare Your Home Before Going on Vacation

Most people have a checklist when packing their bags before a vacation. They do this because they want to make sure that they don’t leave anything important behind. But as a Denver homeowner, it makes sense to have a checklist of the things you should do before leaving for vacation.

Vacation is a time for rest and relaxation. The last thing you want is to be worrying about the safety of your home.

Whether you’ll be gone for the weekend or a month-long getaway, these quick, simple tasks will help ensure peace of mind and prevent coming home to a disaster.

Prevent water damage

A water leak could be catastrophic if no one is around to deal with it. That said, we suggest turning off the main water supply, especially if you’ll be gone for an extended period of time. This will prevent possible water damage from leaky pipes.

You can rest easy knowing that your home is safe, in order, and ready for your return.

Keep your house looking occupied

A dark, empty house is an open invitation to burglars. Since your Denver home will be unoccupied for a few days to a few weeks, make sure that you leave the house looking like it’s lived in so it wouldn’t be a target for burglars.

Put lights on a time to give the impression that someone is home. You can also use motion detector lights to illuminate any intruders.

Remove your spare key

If you have a spare key, leaving it under a fake rock, the doormat or somewhere outside the house is definitely not a good idea. Instead of leaving it in your usual hiding spot, it would be best to give it to a friend or a neighbor you trust.


According to the U.S. Department of Energy, leaving the appliances plugged in, even when not turned on, are still using power. This contributes to 10% of household energy use. Plus, leaving them plugged in increases the risk of fire.

Unplug all appliances such as coffee maker, toaster, microwave, television, and other electrical devices. Not only will it help you save money, it also reduces the risk of house fire.

If you have devices like CCTV or security systems that depend on internet to transmit information, then it is best to leave your wifi on.

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