Steel Rhino Property Inspections
Steel Rhino Property Inspections
Steel Rhino Property Inspections
Steel Rhino Property Inspections
Steel Rhino Property Inspections
Standard Inspections
Standard Inspections

A complete inspection with a written report designed to inform and
educate a buyer about the overall condition of the home.

Move-in Certified Inspections
Move-in Certified Inspections

For Sellers who want to know what is wrong, and gives them the opportunity to repair the home before a Buyers inspector finds problems.

Builder’s Warranty Inspections
Builder’s Warranty Inspections

This is a great tool for homeowners who purchase a "New Home".
This inspection is normally conducted before the builders warranty expires.

Maintenance Inspections
Maintenance Inspections

There are more than 3,000 operating components in a home and they do wear out. This occurs quietly and slowly, simple to overlook.

Commercial Inspections
Commercial Inspections

These inspections are designed for understanding the facility as well as looking out for the safety of anyone that may be entering the premises.

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Articles tagged with: home sale


Curb Appeal: Why Is It So Important?

Just like a book, your home is judged based on how it looks on the outside. If you are putting your home up for sale, it is important to improve your home’s curb appeal. You want to make sure that the house is attractive and appealing enough that the buyers will want to see the inside of your home.

What is curb appeal? 

Curb appeal refers to the attractiveness of your Denver home from the street. This applies to the exterior of the house, as well as the driveway, outdoor fixtures, landscaping, and walkway. Oftentimes, it is seen as a reflection of how the owner takes care of the house.

Makes your online listing standout

A huge percentage of Colorado buyers begin their search online. Instead of driving to your home, they would scroll through photos in your online listing. Many of them may never visit your home if they do not like what they see online.

A clean exterior, well-maintained shrubbery and a manicured lawn are all important if you want your home to standout in a crowded market.

Make a great first impression

First impressions are incredibly important, especially if you’re selling. Most sellers would spend a lot of time cleaning, staging and improving the inside of the house. Unfortunately, some of them tend to ignore the exterior. No matter how beautiful your Colorado house looks on the inside, buyers might not be interested to walk through your front door if the exterior is unkempt.

If the house looks messy on the outside, a buyer’s opinion may already be made before they enter the house. Remember, you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

Faster sale 

Potential buyers will decide whether or not to buy the Denver house based on first impressions. You’ll be able to attract more buyers and sell your house faster if you take time on making sure that your house’s exterior is as meticulous as the interior.

Perceived value 

Every seller wants to sell their home for top dollar. In order to do that, you want to spend ample time preparing and improving the outside of your home. Believe it or not, curb appeal can increase your home’s value by up 5 to 11%. 


Why Home Inspection is Important on Newly Built Homes

There is something inherently appealing about a brand new house. You don’t have to worry about repairs. You get to choose the appliances, wall colors, countertops, and furnitures. You have the freedom design and decorate it exactly the way you want it. However, buyers who are caught up in the excitement of buying a brand new Denver home tend to think that everything will work perfectly because it’s brand new. That’s not always the case.

There is no such thing as a perfect house

While there are a lot of advantages to buying a newly built house, it can also be plagued with a number of issues. Why? Because there is no such thing as a perfect house.

A house is made up of thousands of pieces. Every single piece of this house is assembled by a group of people, who may commit some mistakes during the construction process.  You can’t always assume that everything is perfect just because it’s new.

New Denver, Colorado homes can be as problematic as older homes. The roof may leak, the heating and air conditioning system could need adjustment, outlets and switches may not work. A lot of other unpleasant things may occur. Unfortunately, most homeowners become aware of these issues after moving in to their new home. That’s kind of a bummer.

Of course, no one wants to deal with expensive and time-consuming repairs after spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on a newly built property. The problem is that most Denver home buyers do even not bother to have their homes inspected, thinking that it is great shape. This is a big mistake.

As a home buyer, you want to make sure that the property you’ll be investing on is structurally sound and free of health risks. As such, it is important to hire a home inspector before buying a house.

Hire a home inspector

Home inspectors can help you pinpoint any issues that could potentially lead to costly repairs. They will also get a good understanding of the overall condition of the property. Not only will it help avoid some expensive surprises down the road, you’ll also feel more certain about your purchase.

A house is one of the biggest purchases you will ever make. As such, it is best to hire the most thorough, licensed inspector you can find. Go online and try to find the best home inspector in your area. Read reviews to give you an idea how they work. Or better yet, ask your family and friends for recommendations.


4 Home Features Millennial Buyers Will Pay Extra For

The wave of millennial homebuyers is coming. Numbering around 80 million, they now represent the most active generational group when it comes to home buyers.

Let’s take a look at some of the features millennials are looking for when buying a house.

Energy efficient appliances

Energy efficiency is among the characteristics homebuyers are increasingly looking for in a home. Millennials are particularly concerned about their impact on the environment more than other generations. Many of them are also  budget-conscious, so they are looking for ways to reduce their monthly utility bills. Some are even willing to pay 3% more for an energy efficient home.

Hardwood floors

Not too long ago, buyers find Denver homes with carpet more desirable. After all, it makes their Colorado home a bit warmer during the winter and they feel more comfortable. Today’s homebuyers, however, find homes with hardwood floors ideal. In fact, survey reveals that buyers are willing to pay an additional $2,000 for this feature.

The good news is that wood flooring can last for several decades up to a century with proper care and maintenance.

Exterior lighting

According to the National Association of Home Builders, exterior lighting is one of the most sought out outdoor features in a home - with about 90% of buyers including this on their list of must have features.

Illuminating a well-manicured lawn will significantly increase your property’s curb appeal; hence, making a good impression on potential buyers. It’s also an easy and inexpensive way of adding security to your home.

Security system

Safety and security is one of the most important features buyers look into when shopping for a Denver, Colorado home. Naturally, they want to make sure that the neighborhood they’re moving into is safe. In addition, they also want to keep their Colorado home, family and belongings protected.

A house with a security system will give them the peace of mind, knowing that they are safe from intruders and burglars.


4 Things You Need to Know Before Selling Your House

Selling your Denver Colorado home takes more than just planting a for sale sign on the front lawn. Any family member friend or colleague who has sold their Colorado house before would tell you that it’s not easy. It requires a lot of work, patience and plenty of know-how.  

Selling a house, especially if you haven’t done it before, can be an inconvenience and create stress and anxiety.

Here are 4 things you need to know selling your house.

Price it right

When selling your house, the price can be one of its most attractive and unattractive features. If you want to get the most attention from potential buyers when it first hits the market, then you must pick the absolute right price tag based on how much your house is worth.

Go too high and you risk turning off buyers. Of course, you can always lower the price later on, but you’re going to lose the freshness of the home’s appeal after two weeks of showing.

Review comparables of recently sold homes to get the price right. If you are working with a real estate agent, he/she can provide you with a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA), which will help you determine the current market value of a property.

Timing is key when selling your house

Conventional wisdom tells us that spring and summer months are your best options for listing your home for sale. After all, this is the busiest time of the year for the Denver real estate market - school is out and families are looking to move to their new house before the school year starts.

While it’s true that most home sales happen in spring and summer, you also need to factor in your own family’s needs. The best time to sell is when you are ready for it.

Find a good real estate agent

With so much information readily available online, some sellers decide to just sell their house on their own. Plus, forgoing the agent means you can pocket that 6% commission. Sounds like a great idea, right? Not necessarily.

Real estate agents take on several roles during the home selling process - marketer, stager, analyst, negotiator, copywriter etc. They’ll help you set the selling price, market your home, handle volumes of paperwork, negotiate with them, and show your home to potential buyers. Do yourself a favor and hire a good Denver Colorado real estate agent.


If you want to sell your house fast and for top dollar, then make sure that it looks the part.

Potential buyers aren’t just looking for a house to live in. Rather, they are looking for a place where they can create meaningful memories with their loved ones. This is where staging comes in handy.

Staging involves re-arranging the furnitures and decorating the house to make sure it looks its best. Spruce up the yard, repaint the walls, accessorize, and get the house sparkling clean.


5 Easy Ways to Increase Your Home’s Curb Appeal

If you are preparing to sell your Denver Colorado home, you might want to increase your home’s curb appeal and make a good first impression on potential buyers. A lot of Colorado home buyers are making initial drive-bys before they schedule a showing. No one will want to see what’s inside unless they find your home appealing.

Enhancing your home’s curb appeal will give it that nice and finished look that will make people stop and stare. It will also make your house easier to sell.

Here are 5 easy ways to get your home’s exterior looking great. The good thing is, it doesn’t have to cost a fortune.

Dress up the front door

A front door that pops can give a plain exterior a big dose of personality. Make a statement by giving your front door a blast of color and updating your door’s handle and dead-bolt set. This is not only a great visual update, it can also be considered as a practical improvement.

Get the power washer out

Stand at the end of the driveway and try to view the home as a potential buyer would. If you don’t like what you’re seeing, then it’s time to get the power washer out.

Give the exterior of your house a good cleaning. Also, use the power washer to clean the porch, decks, driveways, walkways and the siding.

Add a layer of mulch

Adding a fresh layer of mulch is said to be one of the cheapest ways to improve the look of your yard. This is because mulch helps cover up a multitude of sins. Plus, it makes the area look freshly landscaped.

Trim branches

If you still haven’t done so, go ahead and trim them back now. You want potential buyers to get a clear look at your house when they drive by. So, make sure that low-hanging tree branches are not blocking the view of your home.

Plant in containers

Container gardens can add a welcoming feel to your home. Buy some colorful pots and fill them with vibrant flowers. You can place them on the flowers beds or even on the front porch.


Tips to Allergy-Proof Your Home This Spring

It’s officially Spring! That means, it’s allergy season once again. Allergies may not be devastating, but they are definitely a nuisance. If you or any member of your family is having a tough time dealing with allergies, especially during the spring, you might want to take some steps to remove irritants from your home.

This mini guide can help you reduce allergens around the house and take steps to reduce the sneezes and wheezes for the entire family.

Clean the air

According to the EPA, indoor air is 70% more polluted than the outdoor air. That’s alarming considering that most of us spend a decent amount of time inside our homes. How do we keep the indoor air clean and fresh? Changing your HVAC air filters would be a great place to start.

Air conditioner and furnace filters are your first line of defense against dust, mold, pet dander, and indoor pollen. They filter out dust and other irritants that would otherwise circulate throughout the house.

Mind your mattress

If you are allergic to dust, then we suggest that you cover your pillows sand mattress with zip-on dust mite proof covers to protect your sleeping area. Wash pillow cases, blankets and sheets in hot water at least once a week. Also, avoid putting stuff under the bed as clutter attracts dust bunnies.

Implement a no shoes policy

Encourage family members and guests to slip off their shoes at the door to keep pollen and dusts from entering your home. This will prevent you from spreading allergens throughout the house.

Provide exterior and interior doormats to trap shoe muck. Don’t forget to provide indoors slippers for your guests so they don’t have to roam around the house barefooted.

Get rid of wall-to-wall carpeting

Just about every type of allergen accumulates in the carpet, and walking on carpet fibers release these allergens into the air. Tile and hardwood floors are preferable. If getting rid of the carpet is not an option, be sure to vacuum it weekly. Use a vacuum with HEPA filter.

Stick to a regular cleaning schedule

Keeping pet dander, pollen and dust at bay is a continuous process. So be sure to dust and vacuum the house at least once a week. Wear a mask and gloves when cleaning and vacuuming.


Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your Home

Selling your home can be emotionally challenging, not to mention time-consuming. Strangers will come into your home, criticize the place that has become more than just a roof to your family, poke around your closets and cabinets and offer money that is less than what you think your home is worth.

If you haven’t done it before, it is easy to make a lot of mistakes. The good news is, these can be avoided, especially if you are armed with the right information. Read on and find out how to sell your home for the highest possible price without losing your mind.

Doing it alone

Real estate agents may command a hefty commission, but that doesn’t mean that you can end up getting more money in your pocket by doing it alone.

A good agent can help you set a competitive selling price for your home, interact with the potential buyers directly and negotiate home sales; thus, taking some of the high emotion out of the process.

Getting emotionally involved

Once you have decided to sell your home, it would be a good idea to think of yourself as a home seller rather than a homeowner. By doing so, it would be easier for you to distance yourself from the emotional aspects of selling the house.

Setting an unrealistic price

Yes, you have paid a significant amount of money for your house, but that does not necessarily mean that you can sell it for the same amount.

When you bought this house, you probably did a comparable market analysis to figure out a fair offering price. Potential buyers will also do the same thing for your home. If you want to sell your home fast, setting the right asking price is the key.

Hiding significant problems

You’re not supposed to hide any problems to potential buyers no matter how big or small it is. Anyway, these problems will be uncovered during the inspection, so there’s really no point hiding it.

Scheduling a pre-listing home inspection is a good idea as it can help you avoid costly surprises once the home is under contract.



4 Tips to Avoid a Costly Winter Plumbing Leak

Once the air temperature drops below freezing, pipes in unheated spaces may freeze. Standing water left in the pipes will freeze and expand, causing the pipes to burst and flood your home. Damage from frozen or burst pipes can cost thousands of dollars in water damage to your home.

Prepare your plumbing in advance to avoid a costly disaster this winter season.

Insulate pipes

Pipes in unheated spaces such as the garage, attic, and basement are more prone to freezing and bursting. Luckily, preventing freezing pipes can be as easy as installing fiberglass or foam insulation.

Pipe insulation will not prevent your pipes from freezing, it can also improve the life and performance of your plumbing.  

If your home’s plumbing system is not properly insulated, have it wrapped with insulation to keep the pipes warm.

Disconnect water hoses outside your home

As mentioned above, water inside the pipes may freeze and expand during a cold snap. As such, winterizing your outdoor garden hose is a wise move. 

Most exterior faucets have a separate shutoff valve. Locate the shut-off valve and turn it off. Go outside and open the faucet. Drain any water out of the pipe. Let the water run until it is fully drained. Drain the hose entirely of water and store it inside the house.

Keep the heat on

Energy bills rise during the winter. Some people turn the thermostat down in the hopes of saving energy. Saving energy is good. But before you go crazy with turning the thermostat really low, you also have to think about your pipes.

Turning the heat too low increases the risk of frozen and ruptured pipes. Be sure to keep the heat on and set the thermostat to no lower than 55 degrees. This should provide enough heat to keep the pipes warm and prevent water inside from freezing. 

It is also a good idea to leave the cabinet doors under the kitchen sink open, so the air can warm the pipes.

Know where your home’s main water valve is

In case of a major incident such a frozen pipe that has burst, you need to shut off water supply to your entire home. Everyone in your home should know where the main shutoff valve is located, and how to turn it off in case of emergency. This is the best protection against a catastrophic water damage.


When to Reduce the Asking Price for Your Home

Your Denver, Colorado house is one of your biggest assets. When it comes time to sell your house, you want to make sure that you get the most money out of it. Often, sellers jack up the selling price, thinking their house is special. After all, they spent several years and have created lots of memories in that house. But in a slow market, it is not uncommon for Colorado sellers to reduce their asking price.

If you are selling your house and you’re thinking about a price reduction, then this blog post is for you. How do you know when it’s time to reduce the asking price for your home? Read on and we’ll tell you more about it.

You’re selling in a buyer’s market

A buyer’s market is a market with lots of inventories. When the inventory is high, the demand falls. In a buyer’s market, buyers have the upper-hand. Given that there are lots of houses to choose from, they would take their time looking at houses until they find the one that suits their taste and their budget.

In order to attract multiple offers, you’ll have to price your home competitively. If you’re motivated to sell and you want to do it fast, then you need to consider the current market value of similar homes in your area. That means, selling your house at a lower price than you initially expect.

If you’re not in a hurry to sell, it might be best to just take the house off the market and continue living in your home until the market rebounds.

You’re not receiving offers

Haven’t received a single purchase offer since you put your house on the market? That can be frustrating, I know. But before you decide to reduce your asking price, you need to determine the reason why you can’t close the deal.

Walk around the house and look at the house from a buyer’s perspective. Does it look nice from the outside? Is it in good shape? Now, take a look at your online listing. Does it include high quality photos? Do the pictures show the best features of your house? If not, then you may want to improve on these aspects and see how it goes.

How about your selling price? We understand that you want to get the most out of your property. But in order to sell it, you need to price it right. Overpricing is the worst mistake a home seller can make. If you’re not willing to reduce your selling price, then you’ll set yourself up for disappointment. Getting a home inspection will also give the seller an idea of how to price the home. If the home is in dyer repair, the price will be lower than expected. 


How to Sell Your House for Top Dollar

Unless you have already bought your forever home, the time will come when you will need to sell your Denver home. When that time comes, you want to make sure that you get the most money out of your Colorado property. After all, it is your biggest asset.

Use these tips to sell your Colorado home quickly and for the highest price possible.

Improve curb appeal

Curb appeal is how your house looks from across the street. If you are looking to sell your house, then you need to make a good first impression. Improving your home’s curb appeal will not only attract potential buyers, it will also increase the value of your property.

You don’t need to spend a huge sum of money to catapault the appeal of your home. Simple, inexpensive makeovers such as washing and repainting your home’s exterior can make your house sparkle. Plus, it can add greater value to the asking price.

Price it right

Sometimes, sellers are tempted to jack up the price of their house in the hopes of getting the most money out of their property. However, this strategy may backfire.

Majority of homebuyers have been looking for the perfect house for months. Often, they are most interested in new listings. You can expect more viewings and receive more offers during the first 2 weeks of listing, provided that the property is priced competitively. If it is significantly more expensive than similar properties, prospective buyers may lose interest and your house may linger on the market longer than expected. Nobody wants a house that rots on the market.

If you want to sell your house quickly and for top dollar, you need to price your based on the estimated market value. Keep an eye on similar properties nearby to make sure your pricing is similar.

Get the house in tip-top condition

Most buyers are looking for their dream home. They are looking for a house that doesn’t just look good, but is in good, move-in condition as well.

Before putting your house on the market, it is imperative that you focus on some home improvement projects. Tackle some issues such as plumbing problems, leaky roof, chipping paint, and a dingy floor. You want to make sure that your house is in pristine condition before selling.

Preparing your home for sale is one of best things you can do to maximize its value and make it more competitive on the market.

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